I was very saddened to hear of the tragic passing of Trevor.
I have trained with him on several occasions over the years, although I did not know him as well as more senior members of the club, he left a big impression on me.
I wish to send my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.
My thoughts are with them during this difficult time.
Keith Molyneux and condolences from Fiona.
Jan and l were very saddened to hear the news of Trevor and would like to convey our sincere condolences to his family.
Mike and Jan Clapham

Trevor was a hugely popular Dan Grade in Budokan and especially in Kent and Sussex.
Here's why by his best friend Peter Robinson.
It it is tremendous loss for me and Trevor’s family and friends that he is no longer with us.
It has hit me very hard as Trevor was, and always will be, my best friend. We shared so many adventures together and it was a pleasure and an absolute privilege to have him as a friend over the years. As well as enjoying hours of training with him, I was lucky enough to enjoy his close friendship off the mat.
It wasn’t obvious to most, but Trevor had a great sense of adventure and it makes me smile when I think of the things we did together.
Like the time I bought an old mustard-coloured Sherpa Van with a pop-up roof, and we excitedly made plans to drive down through Africa to Cape Town! Sadly, Stan the Van wasn’t up to the trip (it only cost me £500!) and we only made it as far as south Morocco. Lots of adventures on the way though, but even Trevor’s skill with anything mechanical couldn’t sort out Stanley’s problems. We limped home, laughing and giggling all the way with Trevor sporting a hair cut which I did myself using clippers plugged into a generator we took as part of our gear.
Or the time we decided to climb Snowdon, off-season, in our jeans - not having a clue about mountain climbing. We’d nearly lost our tent in the wind the night before and we were both tired from lack of sleep but, after waking ourselves up with a refreshing wash in a mountain stream, up we went, not bothering with any of the accepted routes. Disaster! We got lost near the top, spotted a path some 200 feet below us and had to inch ourselves, on our backsides, slowly down an steep rock face, clinging on to every odd tuft of grass to keep in control. We were both scared and upset but we had a laugh about it afterwards in 'Pete’s Eats' in Llanberis, which subsequently had, and may still have, a photo of Trevor washing his hair in a mountain lake. For your information, we did make it to the top that day.
I could go on and on about our special times together, and when Trevor made the decision to go to Thailand, I rang him every day on my way to work. Now, when I get to Clapham Junction where I change trains, those nine minutes between 8.32 and 8.43 are completely empty and sad. Nine minutes never seemed long enough when I had to finish the call - now it’s the longest nine minutes of my working day.
We shared many years of a close friendship. Trevor was always there for me - and, I’m sure, for others, too. He was great company, always ready to listen, never judgemental and a truly special person
He leaves behind so many people who thought the world of him, but please let me assure you all: His journey didn’t stop at Thailand, he’s still going strong somewhere - quietly and confidently - and I know that, someday, we’ll meet up again and continue our adventures together.
God Bless you Trevor and thank you for your friendship.
Peter Robinson
To all at Bodakan
From Sam Hughes
I would like to say what a lovely tribute to Dad aka Trevor it means a lot that you all have done that for him and I know that it will mean a lot to him to. He held you all in his heart and thought the world of you all and he (and myself) have some fantastic memory's from his Bodakan days that he still always talked about even going back to the old "strides" days you all played an important part of dads life and we all really appreciate this tribute.
Many Thanks