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Take this over to

draw a veil over the future.
let  go of the past.
embrace the present.

draw a veil over the future.
let  go of the past.
embrace the present.

This is what you should be doing while you are meditating


The recent additions to the Accreditation and Certification Panel of Rob Rohrey (Netherlands) and Roy Estabrook (UK) voted in by the Shihankai on 5 September 2023, have meant the long-time Leader of Budokan - Sensei David Passmore will require a a name change for use on all future Rank and Title Certification and for General use on all future communications for the foreseeable future.

His new Title will be Saisho no Sensei  最初の先生 which means First Teacher as he was indeed the very first Budokan teacher in the UK from 1970.

The name he wants used is Saisho - a shortened version of the above and is more informal than Saisho no Sensei .

This name change shall take place immediately.


This meeting was called to deal with matters arising from the voting in of  two new members - Shihan Rob Rohrey Godan and Shihan Roy Estabrook Godan. -  onto the Accreditation and Certification Pane at a meeting of the Shihanail on 3 September 2023.


These appointments opened up a need to move on to a new chapter in the history of Budokan.

There were basically two issues:The Accreditation and Certification Process and as a result, a  working Title change for Sensei David Passmore.

It was also decided to bring in an additional high grade representative from the Technical Panel in order to balance the technical expertise on the Accreditation Pane.l

Kyoshi Darren Waghorne Rokedan fits this description perfectly.

So that will bring the number of Members of this Panel to 5.

All these members will be entitled to have their Henko - representing their Signature - appear in full on all future Certification.

David Passmore's title of Kyoshi awarded by the DNBK in Kyoto shall remain a title awarded by them.

But it shall be replaced by a new title for general use from now on.

His new Title will be Saisho no Sensei  最初の先生 which means First Teacher as he was indeed the very first Budokan teacher in the UK from 1970.

The name he wants used is Saisho - a shortened version of the above and is more informal than Saisho no Sensei .

Saisho no Sensei  最初の先生 First Teacher

The name I want used is Saisho which means First - a shortened version of the above and is more informal than Saisho no sensei .  I intended to use this shortened form Saisho with the Japanese translation 最初の先生 appearing below it on all communications.





There were basically two issues:
The Accreditation and Certification Process and as a result, a  working Title change for Sensei David Passmore.

The Shihankai had voted in two new members - Shihan Rob Rohrey Godan and Shihan Roy Estabrook Godan. -  onto the Accreditation and Certification Panel on 3 September 2023.

These appointments opened up a need to move on to a new chapter in the history of Budokan.

We also decided to bring in an additional high grade representative from the Technical Panel in order to balance the technical expertise on the Accreditation Panel.

Kyoshi Darren Waghorne Rokedan fits this description perfectly.

It was suggested that Henko be created for new representation on the Rank and Title Certificates so that any further certification in 2024 will roll on into 2025 and beyond.

David Passmore's title of Kyoshi awarded by the DNBK in Kyoto shall remain a title awarded by them, but it shall be replaced by a new title for general use from now on.

His preference was Saisho which means first teacher as he was the first Budokan teacher in the UK from 1970. (Saisho no sensei)  最初の先生

I shortened it to Saisho and Shosei has been used with my incorrect pronunciation and spelling.

The name I want used is Saisho which means First - a shortened version of the above and is more informal than Saisho no sensei .  I intended to use this shortened form Saisho with the Japanese translation 最初の先生 appearing below it on all communications.

Eventually "Saisho" should  turn into a sort of friendly "nickname".

Sensei did not want the new title to b the issue of the day.
He simply wants to be known for his contribution to Budokan in the UK and in South Africa during his time there.

All these changes will need  to be scheduled to take place after presentation to the Shihankai to be held remotely on the Sunday 25 February.

The 8 Members of the Shihnkai and the Technical Panel basically form the "nursery" of new certification members and it will  also be their responsibility to ensure that content is researched, approved and written for inclusion via the conduit that has been created with the appointment of Keith Molyneux to act as the formal collaborator on the Wix Platform for

Members of the Shihankai are to be invited to contribute written articles or Traditional Budo Research material on a regular basis and in the absence of any material such as this, apart from existing Bio's and CV's, we will be looking for Opinion pieces from them, the subject matter of which will follow shortly.

Date of Next Meeting to be confirmed

The meeting closed at 12 minutes past 5 pm.


For many years Budokan adopted a policy of not charging students for Kyu and Dan grade certification.

We justified on the grounds of malpractice by officials of organisations for the purpose of raising funds, in the larger martial arts groups.

When was launched in 2010 we decided to ask the Dojo Leaders in the UK/EU/US and other countries what a fair fee would be to pay for Dan Grades* only issued by Budokan.

After a few months of deliberation the Dojo Leaders generally felt that Budokan had real value in the technical excellence of their Dan Grades and suggested a number of options from which Budokan settled on the Fee Structure below, which, needless to say was  below that on the table.

Look upon "meditation" as reflection or even contemplation.
It is simply a moment in time you can find for yourself in your busy world.
This program is designed to get you started on techniques you can teach yourself.

In Section 1 you will learn hoe to sit to sit upright, comfortably and still for short periods of time.
How to use simple breathing to help you raise your levels of attention and the ability to concentrate.
My podcast Simple Meditation is a less than 15 minute must listen in order to get the "feel" of what to do.  

After a short period of practice you will want begin to learn to have a dee
per understanding of your body,  your mind and your world.

For decades I used these simple exercises to help me to get to know my private clients a little better very successfully.

In Section 2 you can take a look at your lifestyle.
How to identify and then mange your feelings and thoughts with the Emotion Grid.
See what character traits you have using the Virtue Register Scale.
Your Positive and Negative Life Influencers Past and Present
Your Inner Monologue

Your very own Mind Map

Using the mind training techniques of meditation to help you understand and address them.

Your upper body needs to be perfectly upright and balanced so that when you complete

your meditation you should feel no muscular stiffness in your back.

Your abdominal muscles and those of the lower back should be completely relaxed

and not be responsible for your upright posture of your upper body.

It is entirely a balanced alignment of the spine.


It doesn't matter whether you are sitting on a cushion on a floor, on the edge of a seat, or kneeling on a stool.

Your knee needs to be below the line of your pelvis - to an angle of 5º/10º which as you can see rotates your pelvis forward slightly.

This makes the lower lumbar vertebrae a little more concave and the muscles of your lower back a little softer.

Which allows you to raise your rib cage in a gentle upswing, making the lower lumbar even more concave.

Without moving your shoulders, extend the head slightly forward and then backward until a gentle stop is reached with a natural lowering of the chin.


Your thighs should not be at 90º to the upright body.




In this position your muscles of the Torso become totally relaxed.

You can "feel" it happening.

From the neck to the shoulders - the upper chest - the shoulder blades - the upper arms - the mid-back - the abdominal muscles and the lower back.

All of your muscles become relaxed and soft and do not feature in supporting your upright spine, as long as you maintain this posture.

Your entire musculature of the upper body appears to feel as if they are all "hanging" from the skeletal frame.




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